sja operations

Based in Waitoki around 1 hour North of Auckland.

Every day our teams are out checking our carefully selected site locations from the West Auckland to Wellsford, maintaining the health and production of our hives from coast to coast.

SJA’s core functions focus on the following hive operations:

Honey Hives

Maintaining and producing hives specialised for honey production. Our honey hives are located throughout North Auckland and the Kaipara. SJA also operates migration hives to National Park and North Taranaki targeting Manuka Honey.

NUC Raising

Custom-designed hives for the production of nucleus colonies (NUC’s) and new single box hives destined for the commercial and retail markets.

Queen Raising

Specialist Queen Raising teams operating cell-raising hives and specialised mating NUC’s to provide a steady supply of SJA Queen cells and mated queens for both internal use beekeepers around New Zealand and Canada.

Package Bees

Each year the company provides 1000’s of package bees to the industry around NZ and Internationally


Every spring hives are supplied to Orchards for the vital job of pollination we supply hives anywhere from the top of the North Island to Bay of Plenty.